lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Things to pack for a holiday out

Allison and Keith are talking to their mums about what things they should take for their week out. Which of these types of clothers and accesories are they packing?

 Now, listen to the recording and answer the questions.


miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Joaquín Sabina

by Oneras at
Name: Joaquín Ramón Martínez Sabina     
Artistic name: Joaquín Sabina
Place of birth: Úbeda (Jaén) Spain
Date of birth: 12 th. Feb.1949
Age: 62
Anecdote: He went into exile to London

I introduce another star for our walk of fame. He is a Spanish singer who writes his own songs, his genre Rock and roll and pop. His name is Joaquín Ramon Martínez Sabina and his artistic name is Joaquín Sabina. He was born in Ubeda (Jaén) in 1949. His birthday is on the February 12, so he is 62 years old. He is medium height, he has got dark hair and brown eyes. Some of his songs are:

Pongamos que hablo de Madrid, hotel dulce hotel, El hombre del traje gris, 19 días y 500 noches...

I have got two interesting anecdotes about him.:

  • His father chief police of Úbeda detains him in 1968 for  revolutionary and in 1970 he goes into exile to London
  • He writes a song for the subcommander Marcos, answering this way to the request that the rebel Zapatista.

He goes into exile to London!!

Antonio C.O.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Jason Statham

Let me introduce you to my star in the Walk of Fame. He is a actor and model. His name is Jason Michael Statham and his artistic name is Jason Statham. He was born in London in 1972. His birthday is on the 12 of September, so he is 38 years old. He's tall, he has got dark hair and brown eyes. He's very attractive, its my platonic love. His most famous films are Transporter (1,2,3) and Crank . I like him because he's so very beautiful and very funny!!
 I have got an interesting anecdote about him.Supposedly his work would be a football player.
His famous films are Transporter (1,2,3), Crank (1,2), Snach(cerdos y diamantes), The Italian JoB, Cellular...

Leo Harlem

  1. Personal information: 
  2. What's is her/his name?; Leonardo Gonzalez
  • Where is he/she from?. Matarrosa, Leon.
  • How old is she/ he?  48 years.
  • Artistic name?. Leo Harlem
       He is spanish tv comedian.He's got gray hair, and he's medium height, he has black eyes and wear glasses. I like him because it is dedicated to comedy program and today the best.he has worked in many places in recent years, since Club de la comedia, Program Jose MOTA, El Club del chiste and diferents publicity.He has worked very her life the waiter. If your like know most about he, I recommend that your see these videos ( "deportes" and "restaurantes ya no son lo que eran")


lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Johnny Depp

Name: John Christopher Depp II            
Artistic name: Johnny depp
Place of birth: Owensboro, Kentucky
Date of birth: 9th jun 1963
Age: 48
Information:Oscar nominee, winning a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a César Award.

Let me introduce you to my star in the Walk of Fame. Johnny Depp was born in Owensboro, Kentucky.He is a famous actor and he is from the United of states.At twelve years old, his mother bought him an electric guitar, and Johnny began playing in various garage bands.
His first role was in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), directed by Wes Craven. However, fame came when he interpreted the cop Tommy Hanson in 21 Jump Street (1987-1991).
Among his roles, those of Edward Scissorhands (1990), Ed Wood (1994), Don Juan DeMarco (1995), Donnie Brasco (1997), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), The Ninth Gate (1999), Before Night Falls (2001), Finding Neverland (2004) and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007 ) or Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011).Depp is an avid reader, and in his spare time enjoys painting and collecting pieces of art. He is tall and thin, has brown hair and eyes too, he is very sexy is a very good actor and very good father.



Personal information: 

Her name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll , and her artistic name is Shakira. She is from Colombian, from the city of Barranquilla.
She was born on the  February 2 of 1977.
She is a very famous singer and she has got may prizes from the music industry.


her eyes is black colour, her hair is Blonde and Waved, she is stature goes down.
she is very important singer of the world, she is very dared with her song.
She counts an anecdote about her that when she has got ten year was rejected for the choir of her school because her voice is very strong.
her work in the album: Pies Descalzos, Dónde Están Los Ladrones?, Fijación Oral Vol. 1 and Oral Fixation Vol. 2, and her finish album is She Wolf and Sale el Sol.

Francis M. M.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Recipe 1 (VII) My Star: Gran Wyoming

Name: José Miguel Monzón Navarro  
Artistic name: Gran Wyoming.            
Place of birth: Madrid (Spain)
Date of birth:15th May 1965
Age: 51 (in May 2016).
Anecdote: He's a doctor.

Let me introduce you to my star in the Walk of Fame. He is a Spanish T.V. presenter, comedian and actor. His name is José Miguel Monzón Navarro and his artistic name is Gran Wyoming. He was born in Madrid in 1965. His birthday is on the 15th of May, so he will be 51 years old in May 2016. He’s dark, medium height, he has got dark hair and funny blue eyes. He’s not very nice looking but he says he’s very attractive. His most famous TV programs are Caiga Quien Caiga and El Intermedio  . I like him because he’s so different from other TV presenters and sooo funny!!!
 I have got an interesting anecdote about him. Do you know that he studied Medicine? He's a doctor!!!
Reme R.L. 

Para ver las contribuciones de los participantes del blog a nuestro Paseo de la Fama , ve a etiquetas en el menú de la derecha de la pantalla y haz click en walk of fame.
To see our participants contributions to our walk of fame, go to etiquetas, on the right of the screen and click on walk of fame.

Recipe 1 (VI) ¿Cómo hago la tarea final?

Para participar en el Paseo de la Fama colectivo, tenéis que enviar un correo electrónico (desde cualquier cuenta) a la dirección incluyendo un mensaje con las siguientes especificaciones:
  1. El asunto del mensaje (que será el título de vuestro artículo en el blog) deberá ser el nombre de vuestro personaje elegido
  2. El contenido del mensaje debe especificar los datos que se explican debajo en inglés. Al final del mensaje, puedes escribir un pseudónimo o nombre en clave, o tus iniciales.
  3. Si eres alumn@ mí@ deberás  también indicar tu nombre y apellidos para que yo pueda saber que has hecho este proyecto. Yo borraré estos datos de la entrada.
  4. Puede haber una imagen, como archivo adjunto al correo
En cuanto hayáis enviado el mensaje, podréis verlo publicado como artículo en Reme's kitchen, en la etiqueta Walk of Fame.
Contenido de vuestros mensajes: elegís un personaje que os guste e indicáis
    1. Personal information: 
      • What's is her/his name?;
      • Where is he/she from?.
      • How old is she/ he?
      • When is his birthday?
    2. Description
      • Physical description: eyes, hair, etc.
      • Personality. (no es obligatorio pero ayuda a saber más sobre tu personaje)
      • Anecdote about him/ her.
      • 2 or 3 films, albums, songs or TV program.  
  Let's create our own Walk of Fame!

Recuerda que puedes investigar en Wikipedia. Yo ya he añadido mi estrella al paseo de la fama. En Recipe 1 (VII) la verás y puedes usar mi entrada como un ejemplo en el que basar la tuya.

     Go to  Recipe 1 (VII) 

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Recipe 1( V ) : Who killed Lindsay O'Brian?

James Thomson

Watch this video and the pictures of the main suspects and listen to the description of a witness who was at the crime scene. Send the answer "_______________ killed Lindsay O'Brien" to the-mail address and I'll reply to your e mail as soon as possible

Go to Recipe I (VI)
Mickey Horn
Alistair M

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Recipe 1( IV ) : Physical description part 2

Watch this video and do the activities.
    • Review adjectives of physical description here, and here (Para revisar los adjetivos con la actividad interactiva arrastra los adjetivos hacia las imágenes)
    • Identify people from their descriptions here, this is another online exercise from English
    • Play a game to indentify faces here . Para identidicar las caras haz clic en person one y luego en go, después de ésto haz clic sobre y sobre el incono de text on/off para poder leer el texto y, finalmente, en play sound.  Repite la operación con el resto de las personas
    ¡Ya queda poco!
    Go to Recipe 1 (V)

    Recipe 1( III ) : Physical description part 1

    You have to write a physical description of your famous person. Review some vocabulary and grammar first.
    • The Parts of the body. Clic  here, click and do the exercise by olgavai from English
    • The verb to be. Click  here .
    • The verb to have got click here.

    Go to Recipe 1(IV)

            sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

            Recipe 1( II ) : Famous People:

            Complete this quiz about Famous people's personal information.
              • What's her/his name? And his/ her artistic name?
              • Where is he/she from? City? Country?
              • How old is she/ he? When is his/ her birthday?
              • What is his/ her job? 

            1. You have to investigate in famouspeoplelessons. com here ;and in Wikipedia here (for information in English) , and here (for information in Spanish)
              2. When you finish this activity go to Recipe 1 (III)

            Recipe 1( I ) : Personal information

            You have to write some personal information about your famous person. So, you have to understand wh- questions (What, where, how, etc.) and write expressions we use to give personal information too. Do these activities to practice them.

             1. Do some Wh- questions interactive exercises: 

            2) Practice some vocabulary for personal information. For example: age, place of bith, birthday, post code, etc here
             See you, my friends.

            Go to Recipe 1 (II)

            jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011


            Reme's Kitchen se organizará en forma de proyectos, a los que llamaremos "recetas" o "recipes" y vosotros mismos seréis protagonistas y co-autores del blog con vuestras contribuciones que podréis mandar al correo electrónico 

            En la primera entrada de cada nueva receta o proyecto se explica cual será la tarea final. Por ejemplo, -Recipe 1-  os propongo describir y proporcionar un poco de información sobre un famoso que os guste; en Recipe 2, tendréis que escribir recetas de cocina, etc. - Así, vuestras tareas pasarán a formar parte de cada proyecto: del paseo de la fama, del libro de recetas del blog, etc.

            La realización de estos proyectos os llevará a mejorar vuestra competencia comunicativa en inglés ya que, como si de ingredientes a añadir a nuestras "recetas"se tratase, se va proponiendo la realización de ejercicios interactivos, escuchas, visionados de videos, búsquedas de información, etc. Estos ejercicios vienen ordenados gradualmente en distintas entradas. Por ejemplo Recipe 1(I), Recipe 1 (II) Recipe 1 (III) etc. Así, la forma de ir avanzando por el blog es ir pinchando en el vínculo que viene al final de cada entrada en el que pone "go to"... (ir a).

              Una vez "cocinados" todos los ingredientes que necesitamos, se mezclarán en la elaboración de la tarea final, dando lugar a platos tan sabrosos y reales como la vida misma. Todo esto a tu propio ritmo y ¡mientras te diviertes!

            Como a veces nos gusta más picotear que comer platos fuertes, de vez en cuando os amenizaré con pequeños aperitivos o "appetizers" que consistirán en actividades más breves.

            La sal la pondrás tú, con la realización de las actividades, de las tareas finales que forman parte de cada proyecto, tus comentarios a las entradas del blog , y, en definitiva, con tu participación que hará de este blog un proyecto interactivo.

            Esperamos que disfrutes de los deliciosos platos de "Reme´s Kitchen"
            Enjoy your meal!

            martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

            The Alphabet Karaoke

            Let's start with a review activity for everyone. Play this video and you will watch a funny karaoke where you can practice the English alphabet. Enjoy!

            sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

            Welcome to my English Kitchen!!!

            Bienvenidos a mi "Cocina de Inglés" en la que, juntos, mezclaremos los ingredientes para que podáis practicar y mejorar vuestro inglés mientras os divertís.
            Soy una profesora de inglés de secundaria y he creado este blog para que los alumnos de este nivel educativo lo paséis bien y os motivéis utilizando las nuevas tecnologías e Internet y, de paso, mejoreis vuestras destrezas en esta lengua. 
            Creo que es muy importante que descubráis lo que sois capaces de aprender por vosotros mismos y que los protagonistas de vuestro aprendizaje sois vosotros 
            Me gustaría crear una comunidad de "cocineros" en la que realicemos las actividades, veamos los vídeos, opinemos etc. De manera que todos participemos en la creación de esta maravillosa cocina del inglés. En las entradas incluiré actividades, vídeos, vínculos a otras páginas de interés... Todo aquello que os ayude a conseguir estos objetivos y a realizar actividades complementarias que, por las limitaciones de las características del aula, no se podrían realizar de otra manera. Ni que decir tiene, que toda aportación vuestra es bienvenida.
            Un saludo a todos y espero que disfrutéis de esta experiencia. 